Búrfell - The Table Mountain


A walk to the table mountain Búrfell with a splendid view followed by a light supper, discussion and relaxation. We also have an opportunity to view a documentary film about a girl from the village Vík who fell in love with a boat, a boat that changed everything for the people living in this isolated area.

You will find some 39 mountains in Iceland named Búrfell. They have a special form, termed table mountain in English, and have the geological name “stapi” in Icelandic. They are formed by a volcanic eruption that started under ice and made its way to the surface. They are not big, but very visible and significant in the landscape. One of these mountains in Mýrdalur. It is close to 400 meters above sea-level and the view is exceptional; Mýrdalsjökull and the volcano Katla to the north and Dyrhóley and the Atlantic Ocean to the south.

The view from the mountain top is spectacular.

After the walk we prepare a light supper, chat and relax. We also have an opportunity to view a documentary film about a girl from the village Vik who fell in love with a boat, a boat that changed everything for the people living in this isolated area.

4 p.m. (16:00 hours).
Duration: 5 hours (3 hours walk and talk, 2 hours light supper, film and talk)

Farmhouse Lodge
Iceland, at 4 p.m.

Price: 60 Euro (Add 10 Euro if you want light supper) (children age 0 - 10 free, teenagers 11-18 half price)

Max participants: 10, minimum 4 full paying adults

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